OLED Technology, Learn about it

OLED technology reviews and discussions. How this works. what does it means


Oled technology is the latest technology applied to Smartphones as I mentioned in my one post about the Phones With Oled Technology. Here you will read what is OLED technology and how this works. The Next Level Techs is a technology blog it posts daily about new technologies so must subscribe to Next Level Techs to Stay Updated

What is OLED.?

OLED is the technology that inspires us a lot and is very expensive nowadays and is available in very few countries.
OLED is technology which makes your smartphone foldable just like a paper. Is it Awesome dudes.?
In future, we will have many new apps and technologies

Founder and Inventor

Scientists are working hard to provide us new technologies, As we have now OLED technology. OLED technology was invented by Eastman Kodak a researching company in 1987. The major inventors are Ching V Tang and Steven Van Slyke. They worked hard for inventing this technology.


A typical OLED is composed of a layer of organic materials situated between two electrodes, the anode, and cathode, all deposited on a substrate. ... Originally, the most basic polymer OLEDs consisted of a single organic layer. One example was the first light-emitting device synthesized by J. H.


LED is nothing in front of OLED. OLED is very latest technology. OLED are self-illuminating and LED is used to light the display of LCD. OLED stands Organic Light Emitting Diode. LED stands for Light Emitting Diode

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